Roles and Responsibilities of SHIRSH TECHNOSOLUTIONS:
1) The company will provide Educational Training and Internship to the students, moreover if possible placement also.
2) The company will also provide Training covering the topics related to Designing, Drafting,
Testing and techniques of Manufacturing & Product Design Validation.
3) They will also support the student’s interaction with the industrial environment and chance to visit the design and manufacturing units of other organizations in relation to their live industrial projects.
4) After signing this agreement students will be entitled to use the licenses of the available commercial software at the premises of SHIRSH TECHNOSOLUTIONS and they can use them during internship up to the industrial level for research purposes.
1) THEEMCOE is an Educational Institution affiliated to Mumbai University and MSBTE. The
College offers various Diploma & Graduate Courses in Engineering.
2) THEEMCOE is willing to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SHIRSH
TECHNOSOLUTIONS for providing support in Seminars, Workshops, Industrial Visit and
Vocational Education Training to the students.
3) The college would be interested in conducting the Faculty Development Program or training to
the teaching staff in collaboration with SHIRSH TECHNOSOLUTIONS.
4) The college would also be seeking the technical support from the company and guidance into the
solutions of students’ industrial projects.
Gallary of various activities conducted by SHIRSH at Theem COE during Past years: